Saturday 5 March 2011

Meditation and Hypnosis

All mind relaxation techniques, despite the different names, are essentially the same. Meditation though, is supposedly limited to self/spiritual development.

Hypnosis can cure or aid in the cure of a great many ailments. Hypnosis can solve a great many personal problems. At the same time you are always awake, conscious and aware of what is happening - it is you who is in control and if you don't like something you can just open your eyes and say you will not do it (which of course will bring you out of the relaxed state). Forget the Hollywood-type hype that depicts people walking around like zombies under the control of some madman who merely has to look into a person's eyes in order to put them into an alleged hypnotic trance. This is pure mythical, dramatic garbage that has absolutely no basis in fact. Let's talk about truth. Exactly what is hypnosis, or more accurately, self-hypnosis (The hypnotist has no power over you at all and cannot make you do anything against your will. All hypnosis is really self-hypnosis. All the hypnotist does is guide you into a relaxed state, which you can easily learn to do yourself, if you wish. The hypnotist is a guide, not a master, and he or she does not have any special power or magic)? Self-hypnosis is a self-induced, altered state of mental consciousness that allows you to give constructive suggestions directly to your subconscious mind. More simply put, you cause your brain frequency to slow down to the range of seven to fourteen cycles per second. In that frequency range, your mind is highly susceptible to suggestions or instructions. By giving constructive suggestions to your subconscious mind, you can change your life for the better in many ways. Here are just a few examples of changes you can make with self-hypnosis : stop smoking, learn faster and more effectively, improve your self-image and self-esteem, improve your sexual performance, improve any skill, overcome pain, get rid of headaches, relax and overcome stress, stop bed-wetting, get rid of any bad habit such as nail biting, stuttering etc. The list goes on almost endlessly. You can even use self-hypnosis to experience past-life regression. Self hypnosis is a tool we can use to straighten out bad programming because it is a method of allowing ourselves to adjust our brain frequency to the subconscious area and then reprogram our mind with the information we want. Simply, we overlay the negative programming with positive programming, thus canceling out the negative programming. It works!

Here are some of the things you learn during our courses:-

Attitude and Viewpoint :
Discover how to generate Positive states and attitudes that become a natural aspect of your personality ...... positive being rather than just positive thinking

Improve Confidence :
Improve Confidence to a level that people treat you with respect, even if you look puny

Memory Enhancement :
Increasing your memory and concentration is easy when you learn to enhance your auto-suggestion/visualization skills. Improved memory can have very positive effects in  many areas of your personal and professional life.

Study Techniques :
Discover ways to use Alpha relaxation tools in your school classes, while studying and when taking tests. Dramatically increase your grades.

Trigger Mechanisms :
Learn techniques that harness and direct powerful inner conscious processes to help bring about desired results in areas of self control, health, sports, self-motivation, confidence, positive changes in personality and more.

Decision Making :
Confident decision-making requires the feeling that you have enough information to assure a positive outcome. Learn how to use levels of mind where you have access to information both Logical and Intuitive. This increases the likelihood of making a good decision and solidifies ideas into good workable solutions.

Creativity Development :
Creativity and Intuition are considered by experts to be among the highest levels of human mind functioning. In business, intuition is a necessity. In personal life it is often the deciding factor in having a good relationship, being an effective parent, enjoying personal power. The mind training exercises in this portion of the class also give you mind agility and the ability to use subjective states to generate creative inspiration.

Stress Control :
For more energy and improved health, learn to enter deep relaxation in a matter of moments Eliminate the negative effects of tension and anxiety, to gain vitality and peace of mind.

Sleep Control :
Learn an effective technique for entering deep healthy sleep. Eliminate insomnia and restless nights by using your brain’s natural functions to make it easier to get to sleep.

Awake Control :
Awaken naturally without an alarm clock by using your internal time sensing mechanism. Learn to stay awake and alert longer when necessary.

Headache Control :
Gain freedom from suffering, and eliminate headaches caused by daily pressure and anxiety. This technique is also successfully adapted for relief from migraine headaches.

Dream Control :
Learn techniques that can help you find positive solutions to problems. Use your dream states while you sleep, to tap into your inner conscious mind, in a highly creative way.

Pain Control :
Learn to access deep levels of mind to gain freedom from pain. These techniques have been successfully used for pain control in many clinics and hospitals.

Gain/Lose Weight :
If you want to gain weight, increase your appetite. If you are someone who over-eats, attain control of your "urge" mechanism. With this control you can develop behavior that leads to a healthy weight and self-image.

Get rid of Fears / Phobias :
Get rid of any fears / phobias, how ever deep rooted, completely & permanently.

Control of Dependencies :
Learn one of the most successful techniques available for getting assistance from your inner conscious mind, to help you eliminate unwanted habits such as drugs or smoking and gain mastery of your life.

Speed Reading :
Learn to read books people take weeks to read, in a matter of seconds.

Remote Viewing :
Learn to see places far away (sitting wherever you are - with eyes closed).

Telepathy :
Learn to mind read & /or send messages to anybody at will.

Find Work :
Find a most satisfying job without much effort.

Gratitude to your Body :
Send gratitude to different body parts & improve your health.

Pillar of light :
Put a shield of safety, protection, peace & love around you and your loved ones.

Chakra Balancing :
Balance your Chakras & enjoy perfect health & harmony on all levels.

Forgiveness :
Get rid of guilt & whatever it is doing to your body & mind.

Karma clearing:
Neutralize all past Karma - you don't need to pay for the bad things you've done or the promises you haven't kept (whether in this life or a past one)

Regress to a Past Life :
Many people carry unwanted baggage from a Past Life. Regress to a Past Life, especially to solve problems that you have in this life, related to a past life.

Advanced Intuitive Problem Solving :
Actual problem cases are used to help demonstrate the tremendous faculties of human intelligence as it relates to detecting and correcting problem situations. This part of the program convinces even the greatest skeptic in the power of the self-controlled mind. You will also learn how to find lost objects, get answers for the 'unsolvable', get things through visualization (a car, a house, money etc.), make yourself 'invisible', trigger 'survival' mechanisms, E.S.P. (Clairvoyance, Sixth sense, Intuition etc.) and so on.

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